Last year, I lost 4 people and two way too soon. After the cloud of grief lifted, I realized life is really short and we don’t know how much time we have left. So this year I am beginning a journey of doing things I am afraid of. The first is entering this contest to help my business. It’s hard being the face of a business when you’re mainly an introvert and your chronic pain issues don’t make you feel like wanting to be seen. But F it, I am doing it anyway. This year, I vow to do things that scare me because if your plans don’t scare you then they’re not big enough our self-esteem limits us, and thinking we can achieve higher levels. I challenge my clients to escape, maladaptive behaviors and empower themselves to and elevate their lives so they never go back. I am prepared to continue practicing what I preach. The first scary thing is putting myself out there further by entering this contest. Stay tuned for the next scary thing I do.
To learn more about me see my website
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